
Refrensi "Feminisme & Teologi Kristen: Sebuah Upaya Pemetaan Diskursus"


Harvey M. Conn. 1988. Teologia Kontemporer. Malang: Penerbit SAAT.


Richard Bauckham. 1993. Teologi Mesianis: Menuju Teologi Mesianis Menurut Jurgen Moltmann. Jakarta: Penerbit BPK.


Catherine Belsey. 2020. Pascastrukturalisme: Sebuah Pengantar Singkat. Yogyakarta: Cantrik Pustaka.


Lisha Isherwood, Dorothea McEwan. An Introduction to Feminist Theology and the Case for It's Study in an Academic Setting. Materi kuliah di St. David College, University of Wales, 1992.


Elizabeth S. Fiorenza. Feminist Theology as Critical Theology for Liberation. Theological Studies, Desember 1975.


Elizabeth Cady Stanton. 1895. Women's Bible (Part 1 - 2). European Publishing Company, diakses via Cornell University Library.


Simon de Beauvoir. 2011. The Second Sex. New York: Vintage Books, a division of Random House, Inc.

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